About the show
"Third Fridays" is a live, 30-minute legal talk show from Lois Law Firm featuring moderator Christian Sison. It is the original forum in which real attorneys discuss workers' compensation issues, share their opinions and engage in colorful conversations.
The goal of the show is to showcase the diverse perspectives of the attorneys handling workers' compensation cases. Attorneys discuss case law trends, practical litigation strategies, and hot topics.
Third Fridays on social media
Episode 4: Claim Fraud
March 17th, 2017 | 17 mins 51 secs
christian sison, fraud, lois llc, new york, third fridays, usra hussain, workers' compensation
Today's topic is fraud. Christian Sison welcomes Usra Hussain to the show to discuss fighting fraud in New York workers' compensation claims. Can employers prove that claimants "knowingly" violate Section 114-a? Is it always beneficial to raise fraud at the outset of a claim? The episode ends with Usra taking her turn at Guess the Outcome!
Episode 3: The Claimant Attorney Perspective
February 17th, 2017 | 23 mins 28 secs
claimant, lois llc, new york workers' compensation
Christian Sison welcomes guest attorney, Timothy Kane, to the third Episode of the podcast. Christian and Tim discuss Tim’s prior role as a claimant’s attorney, and how that has helped him to be a zealous advocate for employers. The two of them then talk about using that information to stress aggressive investigation into claims, in preparation for litigation of several issues. After Tim plays “Guess the Outcome,” he and Christian conceptualize the difficulty of rebutting the presumption afforded to claimants pursuant to Section 21 of the New York Workers’ Compensation Law.
Episode 2: Wrap Up Policies
January 20th, 2017 | 24 mins 55 secs
lois llc, ocip, third fridays, wrap up policies
Host Christian Sison and Attorney Tashia Rasul discuss owner-controlled insurance policies in the context of workers' compensation claims.
Episode 1: Opioids
December 16th, 2016 | 16 mins 38 secs
Christian Sison hosts the premiere episode of Third Fridays! Declan Gourley is invited on the show to speak about the opioid epidemic and how it relates to New York Workers' Compensation. He and host, Christian Sison, discuss a recent Board Subject Number that changes an important procedural form for litigating issues involving opioids.