Episode 67
3000 Questions with Tomer Lehr and Alexa Cintron
April 21st, 2023
32 mins 22 secs
About this Episode
On this month's episode, Christian Sison welcomes Tomer Lehr and Alexa Cintron, two of the brightest stars in the Lois Universe. Tomer and Alexa contribute more than litigation wins and efficient settlement closures, demonstrating effective execution of creative strategy. Using a book titled "3000 Questions About Me," the 3 attorneys discuss the Lois approach to fighting with each other, being there for each other, and contributing to the progress of each other.
What is “Third Fridays”?
"Third Fridays" podcast is a live, 30-minute legal talk show from Lois Law Firm featuring moderator Christian Sison. It is the original forum in which real attorneys discuss workers' compensation issues, share their opinions and engage in colorful conversations.
The goal of the show is to showcase the diverse perspectives of the attorneys handling workers' compensation cases. Attorneys discuss case law trends, practical litigation strategies, and hot topics.